Finding A Path Forward for Your Client

You stumbled on this site because you may be looking for a resource to connect your client to. Maybe someone recommended you connect with me to learn about my services to add me to your own resource bank. Regardless, I appreciate you coming to my website to learn more about me in an effort to help your client.

What is a Therapeutic Consultant or Therapeutic Gap Consultant?

I am the professional that helps families navigate options for their young adult who may not be meeting developmental milestones or typical expectations for their season of life. This can be proactive in working with high school Seniors looking to defer and take a gap year to gain skills needed to be successful on campus, or it can be reactive for the young adult who is stuck and wants help.

As part of your client’s team, I care about collaborating with you to provide the best possible care. If you are referring your client to me, it’s because you have knowledge and trust in my quality of work. My goal is to free you to focus on your area of expertise while I focus on the research and recommendation of options, which is my area of expertise.

How I Help Your Clients?

Finding the right fit isn’t simple. And judging a program by it’s website or by someone else’s experience can be dangerous. Getting creative is key, as no young adult not their path is the same.

That’s why I complete an in-depth evaluation of hundreds of resources, programs, and out-of-the-box options in every wellness or therapeutic category. I visit sites to ensure I have knowledge of what it is I’m referring. When your clients need more, and are making such a significant investment, it’s important to get it right.

  • Evaluate hundreds of young adult-only therapeutic and wellness programs and resources

  • Visit locations in person to analyze quality

  • Create curated resource list of matches for clients

  • Guide family and young adults through interview and selection process

  • Advocate for individuals and families once enrolled

Who is the Lilley Consulting Client?

If you have been recommended to connect with me by another professional, please know I appreciate our connection. Or if you have worked with me before and need reminding of who I serve, below will help refresh your memory. I am a Young Adult-specific Consultant, and have knowledge of wellness-based and therapeutic-based resources. I also worked in higher education, so have knowledge of the cultural capital of higher education. In an effort to be very clear, here are details about my typical clients:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older (age range is 18 -29)

  • All genders and sexualities (the annual percentage of my clients that are LGBTQI+ ranges year-to-year)

  • Majority are neurodiverse (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, TBI, some learning difference, etc.) - whether diagnosed or not

  • Typically identifies as struggles with Executive Functioning

  • Typically identified as having anxiety or depression (read: all anxiety disorders, mood disorders, etc.) - whether diagnosed or not

  • Some self-medication to avoid what’s at the root cause of their stress (i.e. cannabis, alcohol, gaming, etc.)

  • And facing a transition = deferring college for a gap year, enrolled in college but withdrawing to get help, or post-college graduation struggling to launch in life

Who is not a Lilley Consulting Client?

  • Someone under the age of 18

  • Someone who is seeking Intellectual/Developmental Disability Services

  • Someone who is on Medicaid

  • Someone who the parents won’t let me directly communicate with the young adult

Why Professionals Refer to Lilley Consulting


I do not accept referral fees.

I am an independent consultant. My professional ethics prohibit me from accepting referral fees or payment for recommendations - from professionals or programs.


I save you time and take research off your plate.

My expertise is having knowledge and awareness of what exists across the US (and abroad) for young adults. In gathering information from your perspective on what the client needs, I can then synthesize to presenting appropriate recommendations fairly quickly.


I’m a Team Player

This is your client, and you care about their wellbeing. I collaborate with other professionals to get the best possible results for their clients. I respect your area of expertise, and your referral to me.

Let’s Connect!