Smoke & Mirrors in Addiction Treatment

This is a bad trap that parents will get caught in when they go to Google to look for treatment programs for their loved one.  These are the programs that when called, they will tell you everything you want to hear:  

“Yes, your child sounds like a great fit for our current milieu!”

“Yes, we have space immediately.” 

“Yes, we are in-network with your insurance.” 

But then you will find out quickly that the wool was pulled over your eyes.  Once your loved one enrolls in that program, your gut is telling you it is a sham.  And a very expensive sham it will be, especially if 10 days in they kick your kid out because insurance won’t cover their stay any longer. 

Parents and families do not know that Therapeutic Consultants exist unless they are lucky enough to get a referral from a local therapist or another parent who worked with one.  It is not typically until a family already locked into said-shady treatment program and learn about this world that they wish they’d found one of us sooner.  In fact, I hear that expression more often than I can count. 

“Gosh, I really wish I’d known you existed earlier.”

We would have directed a family to an ethical treatment program.  We would have saved them money by ensuring that the program their loved one enrolled in was the right fit.  We would have saved a headache, heartache, and provided serious stress relief throughout this very stressful time.

Nothing is ever certain, however, going to Google to find a treatment program is almost certain in that “what you see, is not what you get.”  If a family wants to be sure of where they are sending their loved one, hire a Therapeutic Consultant.  Do not believe what you hear on the phone.  Do not believe what you read or see on the internet, including online reviews.  The only way to ensure a family is not lured into an unethical treatment smoke-and-mirrors-situation is to bring a Consultant onboard.

For questions or comments contact Joanna.


The Difference between Helping and Enabling