College is just what you do

Depending on where you grow up, college after high school is just an unintentionally discussed assumption.  There is no conversation about what else one could possibly do with their life.  High School is designed to set one up for success when they get to college, not if.  Between the options for advanced coursework, testing support, and extra-curriculars being discussed as early as the summer after 8th grade, it’s apparent that we are programmed to go to college.

My childhood in Virginia was no different.  There was never a doubt that I would be college bound.  I came from a family of college-educated parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. and so it was just assumed I’d follow suit.  Now, because I loved soccer so much, I was naive in thinking I might be able to play in college.  Of course, I did get [one] scholarship, but it was not the right school for me, so I opted to enroll elsewhere, dashing my collegiate soccer-playing dreams.  In the hindsight, I would have done poorly with the intensity of a collegiate athlete’s schedule. Everything was meant to be the way it played out!

A product of a community who cares about where you go to school, I couldn’t help but relate this experience to a scene from Wedding Crashers.  If you have seen this movie, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.  

With extreme pride the character emphatically says

“Crabcakes and football; that’s what Maryland does.  Yeah!” 

If I were to remake it it’d be something like this:

“College and football; that’s what America does. Yea!” 

Considering how COVID-19 has impacted the college experience, I am hopeful that more and more young people shatter the expectations of everyone having to go to college to be successful.  More now than ever it is important for our young people to have a job and be able to survive independently of their parents.  Additionally, as the collegiate experience is so isolating right now with COVID-19 regulations and protocols, for anyone who craves socialization, doing anything other than college will fill that cup!

Know that there are plenty of other options aside from going straight to college.  In fact, college will be there when/if a young person decides they want or need a degree.  Overwhelmed by where to start in finding an alternative to college?  There are plenty of professionals available to help.

For questions or comments contact Joanna.


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